Girl, It's Time To Love Yourself PART 2...


“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.” – Hindu Proverb

Last week I bravely tackled writing a blog about the importance of SELF-CARE. I say bravely because, honestly I am not great at self-care myself. I forgot to take my make-up off multiple nights. I postpone my GYN checkups again. And AGAIN. I don’t see a dentist as often as I should. Sometimes my hair looks like a bird’s nest (not kidding) for days on end (thank GOD for top knots). I could go on and ON but I’m sure you get the picture.

For the next two days after publishing the self-care” blog my inner critic was SCREAMING AT ME what a lousy job I’d done. As a writer I am learning to ignore my inner critic and push ahead anyway, but nevertheless the screams were loud enough to make me want to write a PART 2 of this very important topic.

So here goes. A more complete list of some of the great things you can do to practice self-love and taking care of yourself like the precious jewel you are…

  1. Feeling overwhelmed? I HIGHLY recommend taking naps. Often. This is single mothering thing is exhausting work. Sometimes pushing the pause button and taking a nap no matter how much everything is piling up around you - can be the best thing you can ever do.

  2. Schedule your own dentist appointments and do not cancel.

  3. Same goes for doctor’s appointments (ahem).

  4. Go through your closet and freely throw out all clothes that you either don’t love our don’t make you feel amazing. Those are the only criteria they need to fit. When you look good you feel good. We don’t have a whole lot of time to spend figuring out what to wear so if it’s in your closet - make sure you love it so it’s one less thing to worry about.

  5. Book yourself a private 1 on 1 with a yoga instructor. Or Pilates (my personal favorite). Doesn’t matter if you have the flexibility and dexterity of a flag pole. You will feel amazing just for carving out the time and having your body move.

  6. Go for a walk in the fresh air. Being in the fresh air does wonders to lift your spirits and gets you out of your own head.

  7. Get a manicure, pedicure or eyelash extensions. All offer lasting benefits to make you feel good again.

  8. Go to an art supply store and give yourself a small budget to tap your inner child and buy fun stuff with - FOR YOU to use not your kids. Next job is to find a great hiding spot for it and then attack that canvas and NOT judge what comes out. Goal is only to have fun!

  9. Spend time with your animals. This is a huge self-care thing for me. Time with my dogs or horses has an incredible effect of grounding me.

  10. If you can wrangle it, get up 15 minutes before everyone else in your household and carve out some quiet time. Close the door. Sit quietly. Ask for divine guidance on whatever problem you’re facing. And then just focus on your breathing and see what comes to you.

OK so that’s another ten self-care ideas to add to your arsenal. Maybe I’ll have more to post tomorrow (depending if that post has managed to quiet my inner critic!). Please share what works for you!