Submit Your blog!

Download Writers Guidelines or read below

Single Mother Goddess (#SMG) is a global sisterhood of women raising children on our own. We inspire, teach, connect, empower and help each other on our journey. 

We are looking for original, uplifting blog posts written by: 
1) Single Moms (past or present)

2) Bloggers raised by single Moms 

3) Parents who are also on the parenting journey and have wisdom to share.


We have 5 Blog Categories on SMG. Choose one category to write your blog about.

1.    Tips and tools eg using a gratitude journal, vision boards, 5 ways to forgive those who have hurt you etc.

2.    Life stories eg how you became a single mom (let’s summarize this in a paragraph and move on to the learning and adapting), what challenges you’ve faced, how you’ve been able to overcome those challenges or the things you’ve done that have helped you

3.    Inspiration – eg why rock bottom can become your solid foundation to build a new life, When the going gets tough, push on etc

4.    Parenting – eg 5 tips to create an awesome toddler birthday party on a budget

5.    Faith


This is not an elite space, reserved for “experts”, thought leaders, or professional bloggers. This is a blog for real moms, parents and children of single Moms who are willing to share parts of their journey to lift and inspire

Please note that our blog is NOT A VENTING SESSION. We all have had our share of heartbreak. Let’s leave the past behind and focus on looking forward!



The most popular posts on Single Mother Goddess all have the following things in common:

·       They are personal. They don’t dance around the details or include vague references to their authors’ experiences. Rather, they pull the reader in emotionally, painting a vivid picture of a universal, relatable life experience.

·       They dig beneath the surface. The advice doesn’t seem cliché or oversimplified. It’s insightful and thought provoking, enabling readers to understand themselves and the world on a deeper level.

·       They’re practical and actionable, when applicable. Not all posts need a list of things to do; in fact, some are more powerful without one. But when the topic warrants clear action steps, these posts deliver.


  • Include a quote at the top of your post. Aim for a word count between 600 and 1,500 words.

  • Offer insights and practical tips to help readers overcome similar challenges. It doesn’t need to be a numbered list, but the story needs to build to a clear message/lesson for readers, something that might evoke an “A ha” moment for them.

  • Provide original, personal, and honest work. Original means your post has never before been published anywhere, including your own blog, and does not include any sections taken from a previously published post.

  • Keep paragraphs to three sentences or fewer. You are welcome to include a bio, sixty words or fewer, at the bottom of the post. 

1.    Put the reader first. The purpose of writing is clear, sometimes persuasive, communication. It is not about you or your clever ideas. If you write to impress, you will distract the reader from the content. Good writing is like a store window. It should be clean and clear, providing an unobstructed view of the contents within.

2.    Organize your thoughts. You don’t need a detailed outline for most writing. But you do need to know what you want to say before you say it. If you’re comfortable with the sort of outline you learned in school, use it. Otherwise, simply jot down the important points you want to make and arrange them in the order you want to make them. Eliminate any ideas that are not directly related to these points.

3.    Use short paragraphs. Look at any newspaper and notice how short the paragraphs are. That’s done to make reading easier since our brains take in information better when ideas are broken into small chunks. In ordinary writing, each paragraph develops one idea and includes many sentences. But in blogging, the style is less formal and paragraphs may be as short as a single sentence or even a single word.

4.    Use short sentences. You should keep sentences short for the same reason you keep paragraphs short: they’re easier to read and understand. Each sentence should have one simple thought. More than that creates complexity and invites confusion.

5.    Use simple words. Since your purpose is to communicate and not impress, simple words work better than big ones. Write “get” instead of “procure.” Write “use” rather than “utilize.” Use the longer words only if your meaning is so precise there is no simpler word to use.

6.    Write in a conversational style. There is a road sign often posted near construction sites that always irritates me. It reads, “Maintain present lane.” Why so formal? A more conversational style would be better: “Stay in your lane” or “Do not change lanes.” If you write as if you’re wearing a top hat and spats, you distance yourself from the reader and muddle the message.

7.    Be clear. This may be the most important rule of all. Without clarity, your writing fails on every level. You achieve clarity when you accurately communicate the meaning in your head to the head of your reader. That’s difficult. Look at your writing with an objective eye. Consider what might be misunderstood and rewrite it. Find what is irrelevant and delete it. Notice what is missing and insert it.


  1. Send your post in Microsoft Word to with the title in the subject line. Please only send one submission per email.

  2. Please only submit posts that you have written yourself using 100% original content.

  3. Please add an author bio at the end and include a paragraph about who you are. Be sure to include your social media handles at the end!



If your post feels like a good fit for our blog at this time, you will receive a response within two weeks. If you don’t receive a response, please feel free to try again with a different post.

You may be asked to revise to make your post stronger or clearer, and your proposed title may be changed before the post goes live.

Your post may be edited for clarity, grammar, and overall style. If there are any major changes made, you will be asked to review and approve it first.


Thank you for being a part of the #SMG community!


Questions and submissions: