Sanity Saving Tips When You Just Want to Hide In The Bathroom From Your Kids
"Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break." - Akiroq Brost
As a mom you already know, there are days that you feel like an absolute rock star and there are days that you feel like a complete failure. My dear sweet mama friend, do not fall for the latter. IT IS A LIE!
You Are More Than Enough
It's so easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you're not enough, but you are - you undoubtedly, indisputably, undeniably are enough. The truth is, you are more than enough! Even in the hardest moments and on the toughest days, you are still the mother your children need.
As a mom, you're not alone. All mamas, the best of the best - even the ones you look up to and admire the most - have days (lots of days) when they need a break. Believe it or not...they too have days when hiding in the bathroom is a necessity for their sanity. Isn't it comforting to know you're not the only one? Countless other moms have been there.
A leisurely scroll through Pinterest led to this quote, "As far as I'm concerned you can't call yourself a parent unless you've actually hidden from your kids in the bathroom with snacks and your cell phone at least once." Although the author is unknown, she's one of us; she gets it.
25 Practical, Sanity Saving, Self-Care Tips
Since we can't permanently park ourselves in the bathroom and pretend we've made the great escape, we need to rely on useful and practical self-care tips. As much as we adore our kids, the reality is, those beloved little beings can drive us, well...bananas (just keeping it real here).
A Google search about parenting and surviving difficult moments will encourage us to ask for help, to rely on our village. While that is wise and wonderful advice, sometimes we need an immediate reprieve and sometimes the kind-hearted members of our village are not available. When that's the case, there are still helpful things we can do.
Most of these ideas cost absolutely nothing and are quick and easy. That's what we all need!
● Ask Alexa to play the sound of a thunderstorm (or any nature sound you find relaxing)
● Watch a travel blog on YouTube - the fun travel topics can feel like a nice little getaway
● Take a shower or a bath
● Go for a drive
● Listen to music
● Sit outside - focus on the sounds you hear or the sights you see
● Take deep breaths
● Do any kind of exercise - even just 10 minutes of stretching
● Text a friend - chances are she's experienced the same struggle
● Call your mom/sister/aunt or any close friend or relative for support
● Grab Starbucks or make yourself a relaxing cup of tea at home
● Read something encouraging
● Remind yourself that no one has a perfect life or perfect kids, no matter what they portray on social media
● Color
● Journal
● Have a snack
● Watch an episode of your favorite show
● If you have a dog, pet your furbaby - it can help relieve stress
● Google encouraging quotes for moms
● Paint your nails - quick-drying polish is a great option
● Put on a face mask
● Listen to an uplifting podcast
● Work on a puzzle
● Watch a few videos of things that make you laugh
● Light a candle, grab your favorite blanket, unwind and unplug without any distractions
If none of those things bring the peace you need, acknowledge that temporarily hiding in the bathroom is sometimes the answer and that's okay.
You've Got This
Whatever you do, try not to beat yourself up. When there are tough, frustrating, stressful, and downright overwhelming parenting moments, it's easy to feel hopeless. You don't deserve overly critical and harsh judgments of yourself. Instead, take some deep breaths and give yourself a positive pep talk.
You've got this mama, you really do! You are doing your best and that's what matters! If it would help - bookmark, print, or screenshot this post. Refer to it for the self-care tips or as an important reminder that you're not alone in your struggles. We're in this together. Single Mother Goddess is part of your village and's 24/7 access here!
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