Push The Reset Button On Your New Year's Resolutions & Start Manifesting Great Things

“You empower whatever you try and resist and long as you try to resist it. If you give your time and energy to something you are in effect empowering it. The more you put energy into acknowledging and resisting the more the problem seems to present. You must give your energy and time to that which you wish to cultivate rather than to resisting that which you don't want. Remember, you only have so much energy to go around, use it to help and not hinder yourself!”

Akiroq Brost

When I discovered I was pregnant, I was not exactly in a position of strength. My life, as I had known it, felt like it had been blown to smithereens. I was divorced, depressed and my business, not surprisingly, was a mere shadow of what it had been - with my dwindling bank account to prove it. Yet there I was - holding the pregnancy test in my shaking hand showing the two, life changing blue lines.


That night I told no one. I could barely breathe. But God has an amazing way of working. I had a meeting to go to that same evening, which I somehow managed to summon the strength to attend.

I remember walking into the bathroom, my head spinning. All of a sudden I looked across the room and a photo caught my eye. Even though it was only 8x10 it seemed much bigger. I walked over and saw an image that made my eyes well up in tears. The photo was of a giant angel holding, ever so gently, a tiny new born baby in their hands against a bouquet of roses. The baby was sleeping so sweetly, the most serene expression. All was well in its world - it was 10,000% loved, protected and looked after.

I knew in that nano-second that somehow, someway that my baby and I would be just fine. All would be well in our world too. I had no idea how it would be ok. At that exact moment nothing looked like it was ok. But I was being told to trust - and that all would be well. - everything that my child and I needed would be provided - and more.

It’s been just over 10 years ago that this mighty angel appeared. And of course my Higher Power was right.

My life today is completely unimaginable to the shaking, terrified, close to being broke single-mother-to-be that evening.

I have the most amazing child who I can scarcely believe I have been gifted to raise. I live in the house of my dreams on a beautiful farm with my horses and dogs. I have an incredible business, with the most beautiful and exceptionally talented people to help me run it, and clients who are kind, wise, smart and incredibly appreciative of all that we do.

I. Love. My . Life.

In a million years I could have never imagined I would be this happy being a single mother raising my child on my own. But through this incredible journey, I have been shown new paths new ways of looking at things, new people, unexpected gifts…and I am so humbled and so blessed.

I don’t know where you are in your Single Mother journey - and I know in a single day - or a single hour, we can go from feeling on-top-of-the-world to feeling like we just got put in a blender and spat out. That includes me. I still have my good days and my days where I feel completely overwhelmed. The difference now is that I have learned what to do when I feel overwhelmed, and I’ve learned how to harness the power of intention.

That’s what I’d like to help you learn.

Today is a special day. It’s 10 days after the dawn of the new year - a new decade. Perhaps your new year’s resolutions have come - and gone. Mine have already LOL (turns out giving up dairy is MUCH harder than I ever thought). The good news is that it’s not too late to push the reset button.

Today is also a full moon and a lunar eclipse. Many cultures believe that anything we do on a full moon is magnified many times. Which makes a lot of sense to me. Sometimes when I’m looking up at a full moon I’m completely awe-struck by its power and beauty. So let’s use this full-moon to help you push the reset button on your new year’s resolutions and the things you want to MANIFEST in your life - for you and your children.

Here’s what you need to do:

1) Get VERY clear about the things you would like to manifest this year. Perhaps it’s a job promotion that would bring your income to X with the ability to work from home when your kids are sick. Or a family vacation in Italy. Or a new home. Or freedom from caring about what other people think about you, or a new sense of confidence and a new wardrobe to go with it. Be clear and specific about the things you want to manifest - and then write them down.

2) Now take that list and rewrite the list as though ALL those things have already happened and you are thanking the Universe for them. Eg “Dear Universe, thank you so much for the incredible new job promotion that I received - I love my new boss and I am so thankful that I am earning triple what I used to make and I get to work from home when the kids are sick or on vacation from school….I am SO GRATEFUL! I never knew a job like this even existed! ..

You get the idea. At the end say how thankful and overwhelmed you are at the incredible abundance you have been blessed with - I always say thank you, thank you, thank you!

3) Now take this new Dear Universe, thank you list and put it by your bed. It’s for you to read EVERY night before you go to sleep. Imagine these things as you read them aloud to yourself. And watch for the miracles to happen.

I wish you and your children and loved ones EVERY JOY, SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS beyond you’re wildest dreams. Remember how extraordinary you are. YOU CAN DO THIS!
