[Guest Blog] Joyful Juggling; Three Morning-Routine Hacks In One
"Most of us have trouble juggling. The woman who says she doesn't is someone whom I admire, but have never met." Barbara Walters
Look around at all of those other moms who have it all together.
Now laugh, because none of them have it all together!
Life is a lot to juggle, and for single moms, juggling is a perfect analogy for a typical morning. While a couple of tasks may feel completely under control for a second or two, several others are flying around threatening to fall!
What's the hack that makes the juggling joyful?
Link arms with a friend.
Now, we can't drive down to the local shopping center, choose a friend, and swipe our credit card. It is not that easy. But, before you dismiss the possibility of this life-giving single-mom hack, or start creating a spreadsheet on friends, activities, and travel routes, simply think about a friend or acquaintance who might be juggling alone.
Busy mornings are one of the best examples of how three of the most difficult tasks can turn into joyful juggling. When we close our eyes and imagine a perfect morning, several thoughts may come to mind, including some time of quiet before kids awake, meals for the day planned and prepared ahead of time, and an invigorating workout routine to stay fit.
Could these things happen without a friend? Of course.
But might they be better with a friend? Yes!
Linking arms with a friend can encourage starting the morning with a few minutes of quiet. Set that alarm with a buffer of time before the kids awake. Don't start so early that you are tempted to hit the snooze! During that time, while you might pray, breathe and focus, also take a moment to encourage a friend. Send a quick text to remind a fellow mom friend that she has what it takes to tackle this day. As you encourage her, you will find yourself encouraged by your own words. And often, that encouragement gets reciprocated. Don't worry if it doesn't at first. Encourage others without expecting anything in return and trust that the encouragement you give is good for your soul as well as others!
The classic single-mom morning juggling act is meal planning and prep! What other time of day requires that at least two meals are handled at the same time? Make breakfast, eat breakfast, make lunch, and pack lunch. While you're at it, go ahead and plan dinner, because by the time everyone gets home from the day's events, it will be time to eat dinner!
Linking arms with a friend can bring efficiency and joy into the ever-looming preparation of food for hungry tummies! Make food prep a joy instead of a burden. Share quick, healthy meal ideas. Consider going shopping with a friend and bring the kids! Experience the crazy grocery-store trip together and let yourselves laugh when the kids make it more adventuresome than you had hoped! Chances are, you will each learn some food-prep hacks from each other. The kids will be excited about a new snack in their lunch, and they might smile a little more in the morning. Get with a friend on the weekend and make some freezer meals together, or make those homemade healthy granola bars that you thought you never had time to make. The bonus is that while doing food prep with a friend, you also accomplished a play date without even trying!
Now how about that morning workout?
This is possibly the most difficult to maintain, and the best way to stay consistent with workouts is with a friend.
Getting with a friend for a workout might take many forms depending on specific circumstances. Do you have big kids at home that can stay with the little ones while you go on a run? If not, find a way to connect online for a workout at the same time as a friend. You can still do workouts together virtually, and even keep your phones on speaker to encourage each other when your muscles are tired! (Or feel free to let out some frustration and even laugh together!) You might find yourself not wishing for the end of the workout, but wishing it won't end!
Linking arms with a friend on this single-parenting journey is one of the smartest hacks ever! Friends can encourage each other to keep juggling when giving up may seem easier. This hack doesn't stop at three morning-routine benefits. Sharing drop-off or pick-up duties, or helping each other with kids during doctor visits or appointments are only two other ways single-moms can help each other. Friends can catch the balls that fall and get them back in the air. With a friend, the journey becomes not just bearable, but enjoyable!
For more encouraging ideas for your single-parenting journey, visit us at Single Mother Goddess!