3 Creative Stay-At-Home Ideas For Kids [Guest Post]

"The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely." — Louisa May Alcott

Everyone has had to spend more time at home lately, and it doesn't always go the way you might want it to. While screen time can be a helpful and useful tool to use on occasion, you're probably past the point of wondering "What else can I do with my kids when they're at home?"

Today, let's talk through a few ways you and your kids can enjoy the time you get to spend at home together.


1. Scavenger Hunts

A game of hide-and-seek is always a hit, but scavenger hunts can give each of your kids a chance to win by finding all the hidden objects in your own home. You can find a printable scavenger hunt sheet online, or personalize each child's checklist depending on their capabilities. 

2. Tie-Dye Time

A few cotton t-shirts and colorful dyes are all you need to enjoy this fun activity, where your kids can design the clothes they want to wear. You can look up tutorials on how to tie-dye properly or sit back and let your kids explore the possibilities. In the end, they'll have new, fun outfits to try.

3. Season of Growth

The process of cultivating a life in a small, contained environment is always incredible, but it holds a particular sense of wonder to most children. Pick up a few-cent seed packet when they go on sale, add a little soil, and you have all you need to help your kids start a home garden.

These are just a few examples of ways to enjoy the time you have with your children. They're only little for a short time, so take advantage of opportunities to soak it in whenever you can. 

For more ideas on helping your kids break a screen addiction, check out this post on how to turn your kids into bookworms.

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